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Soonchun CC Golf Club house

Soonchun, Korea


In the middle of the silent and solemn nature, in Southern province of Korea, a moderate building is sitting peacefully with beautifully articulated landscape – golf courses.  ‘Not too high or big but dynamically undulating’ is the typical character of Korean nature and traditional building. This is also related with Korean human scale concept.  Most buildings in the natural setting imposed in the Korean old paintings are shown as just rustic and shabby structures.  It is the typical and sincere attitude to nature.  To figure out the two contradictory ideas in this project - huge artificial space required by programs in fact and the idealistic Korean traditional style - is the main challenge of this project.  For downsizing scale of building envelope, only some portion of the second floor is exposed from the main access road.  Moreover, even this exposed portion is plunged in confusion by the transcendental cognition because the part of structure turns into a huge green-sloped bum mediating rich landscape.


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